Medias i really like!
• IdentityⅤ
•rpg horror gnere
•piggy(roblox) etc. . .

Things that makes me uncomfortable
Irl self harm,suicide etc♢
The song ''Her last words''♢
summer 2020♢
Comparemy ocs with others (fandom or other ocs)

These are my kins!Doubles are always welcomed<3

A little a bit about myself!Im a pretty outgoing person and overall gentle person,I usually act way more calmer and formal on social media due of my possible anxiety with being found annoying.My way to show affection is by compliments,gifts(such as art),memes with us and our characters,mentioning with post that are relatable with your or overall us and just speaking a lot.I’m easily angered but I don’t not show it as o have a pretty quick temper;!Im making a game with my friends called “clock demise wonderland” so it is to expect if I start to infodump or just talk about it as myself,is dedicated to this entire project.I barely forget to reply and is pretty quick to respond any dms but if I don’t:I’m busy or sleeping—if you ever feel as if I’m ignoring don’t worry, I’m not at all!<3 If you need to vent you can always ask me!But keep in mind I may say no for the sake of my excessive worry and to take time to myself.I’m also an ENFP!I hope we can get along pretty easily<3!!
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